Our Mission

To Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ;
To Prepare Disciples;
To Care For The Community

Join Us Online
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am
Wednesday Worship at 12:00 pm

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WELCOME to Saint Peter's Milford!

71 River Street, Milford, CT 06460. 

Worship at 8 am and 10 am on Sundays, Noon on Wednesdays


We are an inclusive and welcoming parish in the heart of downtown Milford, Connecticut. 

We offer a wide variety of opportunities for worship, formation, fellowship and service as we seek to live into our mission to 
Share the Gospel, Prepare Disciples, and Care for our Community. 


To learn more about what's taking place each week, Sign Up for our Newsletter Here.

We offer programs for children, youth, and adults of all ages to help you grow in your faith. 


You can join us online at 8:00 am on our Youtube Channel, and on our Facebook Page if you can't make it to Church.

We host livestreamed services of our 8:00 AM Sunday Eucharist, and our Noonday Healing Service on Wednesdays. 



Sunday School is held at 10 a.m.on Sundays.  Email our Sunday School Director for details. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment using the info below.

For Pastoral Care, contact The Rev. Matthew Lindeman, our Rector. 

For administrative concerns,  contact our office or Call (203) 874-8562

To contact us 
To Leave a voice mail message: 203-874-8562

email the Office -  Administrator, Joan Kayser

email the Rector - The Rev. Matt Lindeman

email the Organist & Choirmaster - Andrew Liu

email the youth minister- Maureen Lucas

email our Sunday School Director-Melissa Watson.