Our Mission Work

St. Peter’s participates joyfully in God’s mission to respond to human need with loving service.  This binds us together within our congregation and the greater community.

We, as members of the body of Christ, have taken on many different tasks and projects and have surprised ourselves at times with how much we could accomplish with God's help. The Lord has been alongside us all the way. Regardless of our need at the time, God has always come through for us.


We are a founding member of the Milford Pastoral Counseling Center and the Beth El Center in Milford. 

On the second Thursday of each month, we provide free meals at our parish hall as part of our engagement with Beth El Center. St. Peter’s Monthly Community Dinners are a wonderful initiative aimed at supporting those in need within the community by providing them with a nutritious meal, and also a warm and welcoming environment where they can share in the company of others. These dinners are organized into four groups, known as dinner teams, who take turns to prepare and serve these meals.

Each week a team of volunteers picks up food from Big Y and delivers it to Loaves and Fishes in New Haven.  Donations from Big Y provide fresh fruits and vegetables and baked goods for weekly distribution to those in need. By working together, Big Y and the team of volunteers are able to provide a consistent source of fresh, nutritious food to Loaves and Fishes, which in turn helps to support the health and well-being of the community members they serve.

​Our Prayer Shawl group knits shawls for cancer patients, new moms, and others in need of comfort and prayers. They also provide hats for the unhoused and for cancer patients at Yale New Haven Hospital.​

Since 2016 St. Peter's has partnered with Christian Community Action (CCA) in New Haven to fill various needs of CCA’s shelter and service programs, including packing Thanksgiving meals, assisting with CCA’s Christmas party, and supporting various food and household collections.

Each year St. Peter's works with I Wage Peace to assist with their Interfaith Service Festival. This event brings together people of many different religions, as well as those of no religion, for a day of service projects, educational sessions, billboard painting, and fellowship.

One of our many ministries includes Refugee Resettlement. To accomplish this, St. Peter's has led a consortium of Milford Churches to found our community co-sponsorship group, "Milford's Way." To date, we have successfully settled two refugee families, one from Afghanistan and the other from Senegal. 


Called to share God’s mission with our neighbors near and far, since 2008 St. Peter's has sent parishioners to Mexico and Guatemala to build homes.    Sixteen years, 16 houses, 16 families changed by the gift of God’s grace.

We partner with Heifer International, providing livestock sustainable nutrition and economic opportunities for communities in developing countries.