The Choir of St. Peter’s (high school through adult)
The Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings, September to June, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, and sings at the 10:00 am Sunday Eucharist. Like all music in the Episcopal Church, it functions as a “handmaiden of the Liturgy” by reflecting, underscoring, and amplifying the Readings of the Day and the season. We draw on the entire great repertoire of the Church, from chant to contemporary works by English and American cathedral composers, sung in Latin and English, a cappella and accompanied. If you have sung in a Chamber Choir in high school or college, you will feel right at home.
Highlights of the coming year include a plainsong Requiem for All Souls, Lessons & Carols, Holy Week Services, and Evensong. We are a friendly and committed group, and we warmly welcome singers from the community. Interested singers are invited to contact Choirmaster Fred Backhaus.
Office 203-874-8562